Town of Wilton
Carr Road and Jones Road
Traffic & Connectivity Improvements
The Town of Wilton (NY) has initiated the Traffic Safety and Pedestrian Connectivity Improvement Project. The purpose of the project is to improve intersection capacity and safety while providing a community connection from nearby neighborhoods to the Dorothy Nolan Elementary School and Gavin Park. The project is needed to enhance intersection capacity and safety, reduce congestion, and provide non-motorized connectivity for residents to some of the Town's most popular destinations. This project will enhance and provide a safe pedestrian environment, benefit traffic users, and improve connections to local businesses, Dorothy Nolan Elementary School, and Gavin Park.
What improvements are expected from the Traffic Safety and Pedestrian Connectivity Project?
Want more information about navigating roundabouts? View the Town of Wilton's Citizens Guide to Roundabouts
Why is the Traffic Safety and Pedestrian Connection Project along Jones Road and Carr Road occurring?
Implement improvements identified in many of the Town’s planning documents, including the 2015 Comprehensive Plan and the 2021 Open Space, Recreation and Pathways Plan.
Enhance efficiency of two of the busiest intersections in the Town of Wilton: The Northern Pines Road/Carr Road and the Carr Road/Jones Road intersections. The roundabouts will enhance intersection capacity, reduce congestion, and minimize peak-hour delays.
Improve safe bicycle and pedestrian connections.
The multi-use paths proposed along Jones and Carr Roads will connect several residential neighborhoods, and other pedestrian generators such as Gavin Park, McGregor Links, and Dorothy Nolan Elementary School.
What is the project timeline?
How is this project funded?
Funding for this project is provided through the Transportation Alternatives Program / Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program (TAP/CMAQ) grant. The Town of Wilton, partnering with the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT), has engaged M.J. Engineering and Land Surveying, P.C. as the project consultant.